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Serviced office with flexible desks and a city view

Serviced Office

Many businesses are using serviced offices as they provide the space to work but also technology, front desk support and huge flexibility. Could it work for your business?

  • It’s good economics
  • It’s plug and play
  • You can grow easily
  • It’s flexible
  • It’s adaptable
  • You get the support you need
  • Become part of a community
  • Gain new opportunities
  • Not just serviced offices

It’s good economics

Office spaces typically require half of a full term upfront, that’s a lot of cash. The start up costs of a serviced office are really minimal, so you can invest more in the actual deliverables of your business rather than furniture, bank guarantees, IT, etc.

It’s plug and play

As above, we do all that set up for you so you can come in, plug in and get working on your core deliverables. We call it a plug and play environment. You don’t have to worry about all the little details and peripheries.  You can focus on getting your business set up and hit the ground running.

You can grow easily

It means that you can hire people, say on a Friday and they can start on Monday. You have everything set up and ready for them with a serviced office. No hassles.

It’s flexible

You have flexible terms. A lot of small companies are growing quite quickly or sometimes contracting. When a new client rents office space, we just say you’re not renting this space, you’re actually renting a whole group of solutions within the network. So, if you want to move, you can do that but at the same time you can upgrade without penalty. In this way you don’t feel tied in.

It’s adaptable

We had this IT company, they were in a huge suite, moved down to a small suite, after the first six months we signed the lease for another year and then three weeks later they asked us for the biggest suite we had! Serviced offices allow for changes in the size of your business and you can take as much or as little space as you require.

You get the support you need

The other thing, especially for some types of businesses, is that they really need the front desk support. For some clients we’re the face of their business; we hand out the interview form and answer the phones, basically providing the function of a reception. The running of the front is quite complicated. Having this front desk support really helps our clients; we deal with and worry about that side of the business so he doesn’t have to. 

Become part of a community

What we try to do really well, particularly for small operations or even single people who are working on their own, is to bring them into the wider community within the environment of the office so that they don’t feel like they’re on their own. They’re part of something bigger. They’re part of the community.

Gain new opportunities

What we’re going to be doing is not only leasing space anymore. We’re moving into the bigger model of providing communities where people can work. A part of that is introducing members to each other so that they can talk about what business they’re in and what they’re doing. This provides opportunities to cross-generates leads and can benefit all.

We can add value to businesses in this way. I think that’s what we’ve got to do. It’s hard to beat because you can start literally within 24 hours and all the technology is ready.

Not just serviced offices

We  provide co-working space as well as serviced offices. People want to work when they want to work. It might be 10:00 at night or 7.00 in the morning, it depends which time suits them. As an industry, we are responding to this need for flexibility. That’s why we’re building new premises on Hunter Street which will provide hot desks and co-working space. People can come in and work whenever they want to work in suitable and comfortable surroundings. They can also use the meeting rooms and other facilities available. The meeting rooms will be different to what is available already because we’re going to offer them 24/7.

What we’re doing is creating a holistic serviced office environment, which embraces all of the contemporary methods of working and can satisfy the unique needs of each individual or business.

Essentially, you can outsource all the things that don’t have the time to focused on, gain valuable support and really grow your core business. I like to think that it’s a combination of three key elements to running a business; people, place and technology. That’s the core of what we offer at workspace365.

We at workspace365 offer this at a best value model. All the technology is in place, we’ve got the right locations and our staff are well-trained. These provisions are the difference between business taking place in a standalone office somewhere and it taking place in one of our serviced offices.

If you’d like to learn more about our serviced office plans and what else is included, get in contact via phone or email with one of our Center Managers at any of our offices. Call 1800 967 5669