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Workspace365 co-working common areas

Talk to any HR expert in 2021 and they’ll tell you co-working spaces are the future of doing business.

These flexible facilities are not only an amazing way for developers to bring high-calibre tenants to their portfolio of clients, but also a way to provide a low maintenance, high-output renting opportunity for those looking to enhance profits and overall productivity.

We are experts in keeping abreast of current trends from all angles of the market – after all, it is what we are here for. Read on for our report on why co-working offices are becoming the preferred option for software developers and other tech-based professionals.

  1. It’s social, but not too social

Online software such as Teams and Zoom provides a certain sense of togetherness within large corporations, but for independent developers or contracted software engineers, many day-to-day tasks occur in an isolated online space.

The emergence of more flexible arrangements permits a sense of togetherness and comradery among like-minded professionals without the mandate of collaboration or focus on the same clients or projects.

These are just some of the reasons which led to the rapid rise of these establishments in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco, as hybridisation of independent focus and group thinking is instilled in this kind of environment.

  1. Flexibility is key

Over the last year we have all had to adapt to how we work including remotely and as such have become increasingly mobile at an unparalleled pace. We have had to adjust our expectations of what a standard work environment looks like.

Behavioural psychologists stress the importance of having a fixed, designated location in which to work from to foster productivity, but co-working spaces realign our expectations to create an environment which is adaptable (in terms of longevity, rent and so forth) as well as non-binding.

These elements are essential for tech developers, whose jobs are inherently mobile through portable technology, but who also require specialised meeting rooms and a secure area to operate in outside of a home office.

  1. Networking central

High level employees in all sectors understand networking is essential to professional and social development. It would not be wrong to say a big part of being promoted is talking your way to the top.

This element to career advancement is often challenging for programmers, engineers and other STEM-based professionals – at least outside of the Twittersphere.

Co-working environments provide a natural climate in which developers can meet peers and clients (existing and prospective) without the aggressive competition or isolation which company-based work often purports.

Whether you’re looking to build relationships or establish a healthy work-life balance, opting for a co-working or shared environment is an excellent way to integrate innovation, socialising and incubation into your daily routine without a second thought.

We can show you how – get in touch with us today. We are here to show you how our facilities can support your business in becoming more flexible, productive and profitable.