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Also known as flexible working, hybrid work refers to the flexible working model that allows employees to work a portion of their time in an office (or designated worksite), while the rest is done remotely. A recent study found 58% of respondents were already working on hybrid strategies since the COVID-19 pandemic, and have chosen to carry on after restrictions have eased, given the selection of benefits it provides to their wider work/life balance.

In fact, more and more companies are adopting various kinds of hybrid operations to accommodate the ever-changing demands within the industry. In this article, the team at workspace365 will explore a range of benefits to help see if your organisation would thrive under such conditions.

When a Hybrid Working Strategy is Beneficial

Teams can work when & how they are most productive

Traditional office work models require staff members to work onsite, typically from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays. But what if you’re a night owl who functions best during the later hours of the day? Or an early bird who wants to be done before noon? Perhaps you have family commitments that means you need freedom throughout the usual working hours? If your team comprises of each of these traits and more, then you’ll find hybrid work systems convenient.

Your staff is requesting a better work/life balance

A hybrid work model becomes more appealing to employees due to the flexibility it offers. It’s easier to find balance when you perform in a schedule you are in control over, and given that it has suddenly surged in offices around the world, it is likely staff will start to request this or look to move on to employment elsewhere. Employees will then be more productive and happier in their roles, leading to increased satisfaction and retention rates.

Ability to Shift to Flexible Office Spaces

Many organisations do not want to trial the hybrid working model because they have found themselves tied into expensive and restrictive leases within buildings that, if a good portion of the workforce work from home, will be predominantly empty. This is an outdated way of working, and demonstrates an opportunity to save money whilst still maintaining productivity. The hybrid operating model allows businesses to transition to flexible offices that hold no long-term commitments, are fully furnished and equipped, are complete with a range of amenities and facilities for meeting clients and collaborating, but more importantly, only require payment for the space you need, when you need it.

Unlock More Potential with Hybrid Work & Flexible Office Space

Why settle for outdated practices when you can gain these benefits for your business? At workspace365, we offer a range of flexible offices and coworking spaces across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, helping modern organisations shift to the hybrid working model to the benefit of their staff and performance. To learn more, contact us today by calling 1800 967 566.