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Meetings are commonplace in most workplaces. Whether it is a boardroom filled with the c-suite, individual teams coming together to brainstorm strategies, or a manager and staff member having a one-on-one, it helps to create a peaceful and practical ambience in your meeting room to ensure attendees are comfortable and ready to be productive. 

After all, at certain times, meetings can be stressful affairs. We’re human and can feel the pressure of being asked intimidating questions or needing to offer the solutions everyone else is counting on. 

To ensure your team has a space conducive to efficiency, as well as building an environment for your team to feel secure and supported, our team at workspace365 have compiled some tips on how to create a calm atmosphere in your meeting or conference room. 

Give Attendees Ample Notice of the Meeting’s Time & Purpose

Before we even get started on the meeting room you are looking to hire in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, it is essential that you give your future attendees an invitation and run down the meeting itself well in advance. There is nothing worse than receiving a hurried email 30 minutes before an important meeting is due to start, offering no time to prepare. Furthermore, many people may fear the worse should they be called into an impromptu meeting by a manager, such as being placed on a performance review or even fired. 

Help your attendees ready both their emotions and any information or material they might need for the meeting by offering ample notice (and maybe even a few reminders) – it will only take a moment!

Select an Adequately Sized Meeting Room

If you want everyone to be comfortable, choose a meeting room suited to the occasion. For example, teams cramped into small offices trying to manoeuvre around whiteboards and presentation equipment isn’t going to aid anyone’s creativity. By the same token, having a one-on-one meeting in an expansive conference room can be incredibly intimidating to an employee on the receiving end (not to mention wasting the free space when others might need it). 

If your office or workspace doesn’t have a variety of locations for your team to gather, an affordable and flexible solution is to find appropriate meeting rooms for hire. At workspace365, we have a selection of meeting and conference rooms available for hire in some of the most prestigious buildings in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, capable of accommodating teams of all sizes. Our guests will find presentation equipment, professional office furniture, and even the option for larger rooms to be set up with various configurations to suit your needs.

Ensure the Meeting Room is Appropriately Equipped

What is the purpose of your meeting? Are you sitting down with your business partners to discuss strategies for the next financial quarters? Perhaps talking with specific team members who aren’t meeting their KPIs and need some direction? Hosting a training session?

Whatever the reason, ensure your room is equipped for whatever may take place. This includes:


Think about how many chairs you will need for your guests, storage solutions for supplies and equipment, as well as the type of table(s) (a long table to facilitate discussions in a conference room or perhaps smaller tables for breakaway spaces). 

Think about their arrangement, too. For example, will you need to move furniture around, perhaps to make room for a whiteboard or presentations? Do you want a more open design to encourage communication, or should all eyes point forward to focus on one person at a time? 

Technology, Sound & Lighting

Reliable and modern audio-visual equipment is critical. This includes display screens, speakers, wireless internet connectivity, and even methods for those who cannot attend in person to do so via teleconferencing tools, such as cameras and microphones. 

Beyond this, you will want to find a meeting room with the appropriate lighting and sound management. This might seem inconsequential, but overly bright bulbs and noises intruding from outside can quickly spoil the calm atmosphere you’re hoping to achieve.

Amenities & Refreshments

Everyone is put more at ease when the location of your meeting has a full range of amenities and refreshments available. From secure car parking, access to break-out areas, and even complimentary tea, coffee and filtered water, these inclusions can go a long way to ensuring a calm, comfortable environment when you hire a meeting room in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane.

Find Fully-Furnished & Equipped Meeting Rooms for Hire with workspace365

Discover more about the benefits of professional meeting rooms for hire in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane by contacting us at workspace365 today.